Comprehensive Real Food Sourcing
One time
For 2 months

Recommended for United States residents only (See FAQs)

✓ Comprehensive Food Sourcing Masterclass videos (1.5 hours)
✓ Complete three chapters and six lessons
✓ Masterclass Interactive Outline
✓ Follow-along Personal Sourcing Worksheet
✓ Lifetime access

Masterclass priorities

Local regenerative farms and seasonal produce:

The highest-quality of food from your surroundings

  • To source your selected locally-raised/grown products, I will teach you have to find locations, times, farmer's markets, phone numbers, emails, websites, and anything needed to get your hands on raw dairy, local meat, local eggs of the highest quality, organically-grown produce, and other local specialities.

The best bang for your buck:

Budget-friendly from your surrounding grocery stores

  • To source the next best options pertaining to your budget, I will teach you how I strategically sort through local grocery stores. Products will be high-quality, meeting the high-quality standard criteria, but not particularly local.



This is more than just a shopping list.

Food shopping for the week can either make-or-break your meals. Most will spend too much time reading food box ingredient labels, not realizing they are all combinations of the same nutrient-void “foods” (refined grains, sugar, and seed oils).

Unfortunately, modern diets prioritize QUANTITY, by encouraging people to focus on nutrition label values. However traditional diets have prioritized QUALITY, by encouraging people to seek out nutrient-density and prized foods.

Today, brands use buzzwords like "All-natural" or "Sugar-free", hoping you don't realize these mean little-to-nothing. After shopping, you will either be prepared for the week, or you'll have been too confused on what is good/bad after questioning every product you put into your cart. I would love to help you put this reoccurring circle of confusion to an end.

While brainstorming what would best help you, I have come to realize that a shopping list would be sending you on a wild goose chase. You would be forced to question all of the options in our modern "hunting grounds", as our local options/accessibility varies.

So instead *drum roll* I will teach you how to find all of the best places, times, products, price-points, and everything you need to know to get the highest quality foods in your area.

I will teach you the questions to ask, how to find the answers, and what exactly we are looking for when sourcing to gauge a foods' nutrient-density and purity.

This is the equivalence to me raiding your fridge/pantry, then taking you grocery shopping. Out with the old, in with the new!

For a one-time fee, I will show you the ropes to sourcing and choosing the highest quality foods in your area. You will follow-along with the comprehensive food sourcing worksheet to have mapped out the highest quality options within a reasonable radius of your zip code.

With lifetime access the interactive masterclass outline, you will be able to source nutrient-dense food where ever you go, having all of my tools up your sleeve.

I listed all of the necessary pantry swaps to replace sources of modern toxins that you might not have considered. These might come from stores, local businesses, or even online.

After this comprehensive food sourcing makeover, your fridge/freezer/pantry will be stocked with the highest-quality foods for feeling your best.

These foods have been prized, yet are now hard to find by accident, as their popularized replacements have led us into degenerating health. This is the first-step to preparing high-quality, nutrient-dense meals. 

 What food standards will I learn to source?

  • Whole, unprocessed, organic foods, as they are in nature.

  • Beef, lamb, game, organ meats, poultry and eggs from pasture-raised animals.

  • Wild fish, fish eggs, and shellfish from unpolluted waters.

  • Full-fat dairy products from pasture-raised animals, preferably raw and A2/A2.

  • Use animal fats, such as lard, tallow, egg yolks, cream and butter liberally. Tropical and fruit oils like olive, coconut, and avocado are accepted. No seed oils, ever.

  • Organic fruits and properly-prepared vegetables.

  • Probiotic-rich lacto-fermented vegetables, fruits, beverages and condiments.

  • Homemade stocks and broths from pasture-raised animals for soups, stews, and sauces.

  • Natural sweeteners in moderation, such as raw honey, maple syrup, and rendered fruit.

  • Unrefined natural salt and herbs.

  • Avoid grains, but if consumed, they are organically grown and properly prepared through soaking, sprouting or sour leavening to neutralize phytic acid, enzyme inhibitors and other anti-nutrients. We will source you the highest quality, real sourdough products from an heirloom grain.

  • Pure, filtered water.


  • This is a digital course directly on []. After creating a log-in, you will have access to the course for life, using your log-in.

    The bundle includes the six masterclass videos, the masterclass interactive outline, and the follow-along worksheet page. These will all open up within the course directly on this website.

    With these resources, your final product will be the mega-list of sources you have mapped out during the masterclass. You will have sourced all of the information you need to get your hands on the highest-quality products.

  • Yes! I will teach you how to meet both your budget and health goals. I provide many tips to keep costs low but nutrients high. I make sure to keep it as frugal as possible.

    Note: These swaps will likely not be equivalent to your current food budget, but likely equivalent to (and possibly less than) your overall spending.

    It’s important to consider that with the price paid for quality, you are preventing medical bills from poor health in the long run. You are also not eating out frequently due to low-quality (yet expensive) food at restaurants/coffee shops/“fun” food. Lastly, you are not buying overpriced scam powders and supplements. I see this as saving lots of wasted money.

  • No. This is not a grocery delivery service, so nothing will be bought and/or obligated to be bought.

    I will, however, give you all of the information and who to contact to do so. Along with information regarding CSA's and herd shares that may be needed to get certain farm foods. That is all for you to do with this guide when you see all that you have found. After this one-time masterclass, you will have everything laid out for you to get your hands on food approved by the twelve standards.

  • Due to my sourcing techniques, we will be navigating obstacles to regulatory terms specific to the United States. As we are reaching out to farmers, stores, brands, and businesses about specific products and standards, you can expect, this places an international barrier on the information we need to acquire.

    For example, in the EU, organic food is more commonly labeled as ecological or biological. Many of the sourcing techniques are also limited to using US zip codes, databases, and associations within the US.

    * I will say, however, that anyone who follows along the masterclass will know exactly what they should be looking for and what to avoid, no matter what region you are sourcing. It is the interactive outline that will not be as much use to you. That said, I would love to expand this service by replicating this course to navigate other regions. This would involve comparing regulation definitions, which can be done by anyone taking this masterclass, with further research on your own. If you choose to do this, I would love to learn about what you came up with.

  • Yes! After purchasing, you have lifetime-access!

    In the navigation panel of my website, click Member Access. You will then be prompted to log in, which you will then see:

    • All six masterclass videos.

    • The masterclass interactive outline for confidence in time-tested health… anywhere and everywhere.

    • The step-by-step lesson plans with the follow-along worksheet.

    • Tips, tricks, info bombs, and the lies uncovered about food marketing and corner-cutting.

    What I love about this set-up is that if you move, travel, or even want to update the options in your area – you can!

Questions before getting started? Contact me.