My Education History + PHCI Review

If you feel called to help coach others on their wellness journeys, then I encourage you to check out the Primal Health Coach Institute programs. It’s the certification I chose, and it’s quite possibly the best investment I’ve ever made in my career. I threw out two scholarships for this due to the alignment I felt with the curriculum.

My Education History

To take a few steps back to get the full story about my education history, I left traditional high school my sophomore year after taking a placement test at the local college. I was accepted into a program, that allowed me to take accredited college classes full-time and disenroll from high school. I graduated "high school" from college and got my associate’s degree the same day at 18. I graduated college Summa Cum Laude with two scholarships to get my bachelor’s at a university. 

My goal was to become a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, which are doctors who get to the root cause of symptoms and really heal the whole patient (or so I thought). Learning true healing was my goal.

Early on, something was off in my classes. My biology professor taught that vegetable oils were heart-healthy compared to saturated animal fats while explaining the four types of fats' chemical structures and physical properties.

Mind you – earlier that year I had read Deep Nutrition by Catherine Shanahan. This book had primed me with the nitty gritty bedrock science as to why my current diet (high in animal fats) made me feel so good and why diets high in unstable fats will make you feel so bad.

In class, these unstable fats high in vegetable oils were up on the board. Unsaturated fats were taught to be prone to oxidation, as shown by their molecular structure. Yet within the same lesson, they were taught to be the anti-inflammatory and heart-healthy choice.

I had asked the professor how that could be and he responded that this is the curriculum and material he is designated to teach from the textbooks and that he was only a slime mold scientist…

Knowing that this was only Pre-Med, I decided to do some digging. I went online to accredited Osteopathic medical school lecture videos, PowerPoints, and course work. There were a bunch of videos up from the scamdemic era. I did not like what I saw. Seeing all symptom treatment, extensive therapies, unnatural protocols, and little-to-no nutrition – they did not teach true health.

Heading into my senior year of college, I'd had enough of this direction, knowing what was to come. I wanted to switch my major to Exercise Science, thinking it would be less indoctrination. So I did. With only one semester into it, it was worse. I was also into injury prevention and ATG type work at the time. Seeing both sides of exercise science was telling.

Semesters later, I decided to leave my college education, once and for all, because it did not teach true health. I could instead invest my time in a certification that would get me toward my goals. I dropped my two scholarships, but ultimately saved time and money.

Is a medical license for me? Is it the only way to provide health services?

A medical license (for my personal goals) was a waste of time. I would never mention, need, or use this degree to prove my credibility. There is no need for a medical license with my teaching of health. If anything, it would contradict me. The General Education Board was not originally created with the interests of making a healthy population. It was created to build a booming health industry.

To make a long story short: medical education isn't built on how to live healthy lives, it's built on how to prescribe modern medicine to sick people. 

"Natural" medicine is another illusion of health. It is all symptom suppression. We have doctors trained to prescribe treatments given incentives throughout their medical career by drug companies to prescribe the latest drugs. The profit-focused healthcare system does not teach prevention. They prescribe pharmaceuticals. The system needs sick people. I chose to partake no part in that.

What is different about the Primal Health Coach Institute?

Luckily, I found the Primal Health Coach Institute, which fosters towards this way of living. I can now work with clients towards the prevention and reversal of degenerative health, as I originally planned, through nutrition and lifestyle rather than pharmaceuticals.

I invested in the program because I knew I wanted to be a health coach… but not any health coach. I found my niche in ancestral health and wanted to coach others on an ancestrally-consistent path to wellness.

Every other health coaching program I came across taught different diet protocols that were all extremely plant-based, which is a psyop in itself. The Primal Health Coach program is targeted towards ancestral health and high-quality animal products, which are time-tested health foods. They even promote raw dairy within the course which excited me to see.

In this program, you’ll receive thorough, comprehensive nutrition and fitness lectures backed by the most current research, with an emphasis on ancestral eating plans, fitness programs, and lifestyle behaviors. They teach foolproof methods to ensure your clients’ success by turning them away from modern diet scams and back to real health.

Not only do you get a thorough ancestral health education that covers all aspects of nutrition, fitness, healthy lifestyle habits, etc., but you also get taught how to be a coach. How to talk to clients, how to help motivate and set reachable goals, how to ask motivating questions and nurture client accountability, how to adapt to different personalities and needs… every facet of health coaching skills is covered.

From there, the program dived deep into what it takes to build a business as a health coach. You learn how to brand your business, market your business, get leads and secure clients, handle the occasional objections and turn them into enthusiastic yeses, stay consistent, and so much more.

What was especially helpful is that they don’t just kick you out after graduation. You get lifetime access to the program, which is continually updated according to the latest research. You also get access to the Business Resource Center, which has additional coaching guidance and everything needed to grow a business. 

They even provide business plans, legal recommendations, rates and programming suggestions, and even a ready-to-go 12-week program to use with clients immediately when getting started. You can pay off your investment super quickly with that one if you choose to.

You can also be added to the Find a Coach Directory at where you can build a profile and attract new clients in your area. This is perfect if you don’t want to base your business online or through a social media presence.

I did a lot of research when I was looking for a health coaching program. When it came to cost-effectiveness and comprehensive offerings (including the ongoing support they offer), Primal Health Coach has every one of its competitors beat. I just can’t recommend it enough. It is even accredited by the National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching to get board-certified.

You can view the course outlines for these three courses included in the certification I took here, here, and here

To request more information, to enroll, and to get sent an exclusive discount to save $500 click here.

Thank you for all of the support in me over this past year! Lots more to come. Your messages mean so much to me and I feel beyond blessed to be able to make an impact on your health.


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