My Mission Statement

Shown the current ways of degenerating health in our modern world, we have clearly gone far from our ancestral roots.

Our instincts as to what is optimal for our health has been buried by "healthcare professionals" – trained to work a profit-focused healthcare system.

Though doctors want to do good, they themselves won't become aware of how the body heals itself because they're told that only medical interventions can treat these modern issues.

Lo-and-behold, symptom manipulation is retarding the healing process and getting in the way. Not once will they ask about diet and lifestyle. Immediate drugs, radiation, or therapy. The approach of symptom manipulation is regarded as the standard of care. Yet this couldn’t be further from what our body is looking for.

This system can not cure one of their disease, but rather treat them as a customer for life.

The idea that we're inevitably susceptible to dis-ease has been engraved in us to make us reliant on their treatments. This system has hid prevention in promotion of prescribing pharmaceuticals to suppress symptoms of a toxic lifestyle.

As humans, our bodies know how to do one thing, and that is heal.

Symptoms of disease are simply our bodies healing response to damage from our lifestyle. To heal is to adapt. We are always adapting to our environments. Adapting to an unhealthy environment is when we express the so-called symptoms of dis-ease.

To suppress these symptoms (artificially or ‘naturally’) is to mute our bodies’ call for change. Once we relearn how to listen to our bodies instead of suppress symptoms, we will forever optimize our health. 

Health truths in your best interest will be shown through self-evident progress and truly feeling good.

All of the information I use to lead on your health journey will guide you to achieving optimal health and performance.

Rather than following specific protocols or taking temporary measures, living ancestrally will allow you to truly change your habits and continue a healthy life with newly obtained self-guidance.

Choosing to pursue your healthiest life the way nature intends is no fad.


My Education History + PHCI Review